This character is the last strain of Serpmon's Digivolutions, least known next to the two dragons.
The thing that draws people to this character is the multiple heads and the multiple tails. And in ways, something seemingly mutated makes people want to know more. That and it is a wonder what it is like to have three brains and one body.
Like all Serpmon Digivolutions, Triceberusmon is a demonstration of a neutral character, not a convincing good guy, and not a convincing bad guy.

Story History:
Triceberusmon is introduced into the whole thing because as usual, the enemies become stronger. But the key to his evolution is his Tamer's hate.
The Tamer is only an 11 year old girl who goes by the name of Megan O. A really withdrawn person who opens up only because of Serpmon and his Digivolutions. (She isn't much of a character yet. VLK doesn't count most people as characters.) And in any case, she is highly opposed to fighting. But as the fighting gets worse and Serpmon and his Digivolutions get worse, she stops complaining and pents it up. So finally once the heavy fighting comes, and the blood and data is shed, she can't stand it and Ceberusmon changes to Triceberusmon. 
Despite Triceberusmon's virus nature, the Digimon quickly shows his warm, joking side. And with two extra heads, the jokes become almost hard to bear, let alone one sided. This quickly demolishes all percieved thoughts of virus types, that they do truly have heart. (Hint, this is a main focus.)

General History:
Vaporeon Lugia Krabby remembers the day when she created Triceberusmon, the exact day Ceberusmon was created as well.
It was a cold and dreary December in the year of 2000. Vaporeon Lugia Krabby was sitting in her grade nine English class with a good friend by her side. Making the neccesary challenge, she said she wanted a Digimon that was more original than the other Digimon. Thus, Triceberusmon was born. (Note to schoolers: Drawing in class is bad!)
Yes so boredom inspired this character's creation . . . That and a few others. In any case, Triceberusmon was created for contreversiality as well. Who needs bad guys and good guys when there is a two for one?

Story Statistics:
Name: Triceberusmon
Level: Mega
Next Level: None
Gender: Male
Born: Unknown
Age: Unknown
Height: 6'3"/190.5 cm
Weight: 252 Lbs/114.55 Kg
Blood Type: A (For fanfic purposes)
Type: Abyssimal Guardian Virus Type
Likes: Food, good people and Digimon. Fighting.
Dislikes: Bad people and Digimon. Failure.
Strengths: Powerful attacks
Weakness: Light. Rage
Attacks: Demon's Gate, Dead Howl, Dark Light

Sub-characters to Triceberusmon:
Sepliamon: The true cause of all conflicts, though unintentionally. Sepliamon is a good character that is part of the reason why Tricberusmon fights and exists in the first place. The most common focus is on the Serpmon Digivolutions, unlike Sepliamon who isn't much of a protagonist or antagonist.

Digimon comic

Related Song(s):
-Three Days Grace-Just Like You
-The idea behind this is more of a story. Triceberusmon meets the evil leader Digimon that bossed him around while he was still Serpmon, and guess what, the evil leader Digimon is trying to convert the now convincingly powerful Triceberusmon to join. (Aha! Yeah right!) The goal is to allow Triceberusmon to admit that of course he is mean, aggressive, deprived of conscience, et cetera, but also to refuse his opposition and show that he really does fight for the right side, and not the wrong. This song can be sort of duelly applied to Serpmon, but only Triceberusmon can pull off the agression.
-Trust Company-Downfall
-This is the only song I can associate with all of the Serpmon Digivolutions. I like the pitches and beat in this because it gives the sense of accomplishment, but also the sense of failure which is part of the drive of their Digivolutions, particularly Dragonmon and Ceberusmon.


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