No doubt if you are in here you must be bored out of your skull.
Basically almost everyone knows what the copyright rules are. Well here is the official refresher course.
The Boring Copyright Rule That Applies To You:
Okay everything here except the Fans' Fan Art and the Fans' Fan Fics and Manga are copywritten to Vaporeon Lugia Krabby. You can't steal anything, and I mean anything here, including the fan stuff. The fan stuff, that the fans send in, is copywritten to the fan who has sent it in. You can't steal it, although you may use it with the fan's permission. The same thing applies for Vaproreon Lugia Krabby. You have to contact Vaporeon Lugia Krabby ( first before you use anything on this site. Okay so those are the copyright rules that come into effect on this site and that apply to you.
The Boring Copyright Rule That Applies To Vaporeon Lugia Krabby:
Pokemon, Sailor Moon, Sonic The Hedgehog, Digimon, et cetera are copywritten to their creators. This site uses their ideas without their consent but does not attempt to offend, plagarise or do anything bad with their ideas. Everything on this site is copywritten to Vaporeon Lugia Krabby or the fans who send in their stuff.