Sailor Sun
Sailor Sun is a common sight for fan created Sailor Scouts. Fior Alison Cambridge may be a bit of a fireball, but manages to stand on her own among the many fan characters there are.
Fior is the ideal of an all-american/japanese super star. She plays on the highest A rank baseball team in all of Crystal Tokyo, the lead pitcher and the front girl for her team, 'The Jays'. When she isn't breaking bats in half with her speeding pitches, she's strutting her stuff down the catwalks, modeling the latest fashions.
Sailor Sun is about everything a girl wants to be, pretty and popular with lots of friends and an amazing lifestyle.

Story History:
Present: Fior lives in a posh neighborhood of Crystal Tokyo with her parents. She finds herself less at home than her parents, having baseball games, practices, runway shows in Paris, modeling gigs in New York, and somehow trying to squeeze in her studies along with some semblance of a life. While she loves the life she finds it exhausting and prioritizes her time poorly.
Fior initially comes across as more of a leader than the other New Wave Soldiers; yet, enjoys playing the strong, supporting role to solidify the team as her, Sailor Darkmoon and Sailor Earth find themselves performing a rescue mission. The Sailor Scouts from Crystal Tokyo have been abducted, and leave it to the rookies to do a professional's job and find them.
Silver Millenium: Princess Sun lived the lavish lifestyle at the very center of the Solar System. The inside of the Sun was a habitable place full of wealth and riches for its very fortunate citizens. Those of the Sun were often a rumor as they kept to themselves, quietly observing the rest of the Solar System and laughing.
Princess Sun often daydreamed of other worlds and their people, finding their lives to be fascinating since they were simple yet fufilled. Her people were ignorant to such a concept and more so as they believed no evil could effect them.
Chaos came through the Solar System as Queen Beryl and her forces advanced. Princess Sun and her court had seen this from afar, less than concerned, all except Princess Sun. The happiness of others and the love for life brought her from the Sun to the Moon, an unheard of. Without her people to support her, Princess Sun's powers were greatly weakened and she was soon defeated under the powers of darkness. As the light of her life grew dim, the entirety of her people became those of the Negaverse, as she was what unknowingly protected them from their own evils. As a bitter twist of irony, if she had stayed then she too would have become one with the Negaverse neither way being able to protect her own people.

General History:
Sailor Sun was created in early autumn of 2000. She was made to go along with Sailor Earth and the need for a Sailor Scout to represent different astral bodies of the Solar System.
Sailor Sun was created mostly to have a bright and inplausible represention of a non-planet, the color yellow being one of the colors that is heavily used.

Story Statistics:
Name: Fior Alison Cambridge
Scout Name: Sailor Sun
Gender: Female
Born: August 18
Age: 15
Height: 5'8"/172.7 cm
Weight: 125 Lbs/56.8 Kg
Blood Type: A
Favorite Food: California rolls
Favorite Color: Yellow
Likes: Baseball, clothes, attention, calm, communal events
Dislikes: Sports critics, paparazzi, losing, nagging, ignorant people
Strengths: Physically fit, beauty, team player
Weaknesses: Stubborn, vain, over-protective
Transformaton: New Wave Sun Make-up
Attacks: Sun Comet Streak, Sun Cosmic Power

Sub-characters to Sailor Sun:

New Wave Soldiers manga. Title page. Excerpt.
New Wave Soliders comic

Related Song(s):
-Spice Girls-Who Do You Think You Are
-This is a fun song, more to the limelight that follows Sailor Sun. The song represents how on top she is with her life, as well as how easy it is to get lost in the craze of gigs and events. Away from the hype she aims to be herself, a normal girl who likes to work with others and not come across as a snob as may be the media image. Girls
-This song can be applied to all three of the New Wave Soldiers (Sailor Darkmoon, Sailor Earth, Sailor Sun) since it is a song applied to a group, and what better group than this one?
'Future Girls' is really what the New Wave Soldiers are. All three live in Crystal Tokyo, and are each a powerful Scout that is kept in reserve in case things turn ugly. During the duration in which they're most active their goal is to locate the other Scouts. Now not only are they the 'Future Girls', they're also going 'around and round in circles'. But in general their moves are sphere based, as is how they go through the motions to use them. The song is high energy, involves motions and can give light to the determination that each has.


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