Dragmon is not a popular character by any means. Generally he is pretty plain, plays around, tries to have fun, tries to be serious. 
This Rookie is a Virus type but a tainted one. He represents that pre-teen in life, not yet rude, not yet lazy, still active. Sort of a character that people can relate to (personality wise).

Story History:
Dragmon evolves from Serpmon after his Tamer, an 11 year old girl named Megan O. (she isn't much of a character yet. VLK doesn't count most people as characters) gets involved in one of her first Digimon struggles. Serpmon digivolves to Dragmon out of desperation to protect Megan, and does a fine job with it. Generally Dragmon is the form that Megan knows the best.
Dragmon came to the "Real World" to obtain an immense power source though not exactly certain what it even is, although by now he has an idea that it might be this In-Training Digimon called Sepliamon. The Virus type Dragmon is against his type, believing that the power source should remain protected, not exploited. This leads off into the main theme of the whole story.

General History:
Dragmon was made for VLK's personal love of dragons, and because of the absentee of a lot of dragon-like Digimon. He was made February 2001.
The main reason for Dragmon was to give an almost a full line of Digivolutions for each of the Digimon, making a complete strain (minus the Baby Digimon form). 

Story Statistics:
Name: Dragmon
Level: Rookie
Next Level: Dragonmon
Gender: Male
Born: Unknown
Age: Unknown
Height: 2'/61 cm
Weight: 11 Lbs/24.2 Kg
Blood Type: A (For fanfic purposes)
Type: Baby Dragon Virus Type
Likes: Food, playing, good people and Digimon 
Dislikes: Bad people and Digimon, fighting
Strengths: Wise, nice
Weakness: Small
Attacks: Spit Fire, Puffing Smoke

Sub-characters to Dragmon:
Sepliamon: The true cause of all conflicts, though unintentionally. Sepliamon is a good character that is part of the reason why Dragmon Digivolves in the first place. The most common focus is on the Serpmon Digivolutions, unlike Sepliamon who isn't much of a protagonist or antagonist.

Digimon comic

Related Song(s):
-This song has more of a Serpmon feel because of the childish voice but what I like the most about it is the upbeat attitude that I associate with Dragmon, as well as a Dance Dance Revolution style beat (Dance Dance Revolution being a game Dragmon plays often, and rocks at). Plus, Dragmon is the only Serpmon Digivolution that is not bitter, relying very much on his Tamer for a friend support network.
-Trust Company-Downfall
-This is the only song I can associate with all of the Serpmon Digivolutions. I like the pitches and beat in this because it gives the sense of accomplishment, but also the sense of failure which is part of the drive of their Digivolutions, particularly Dragonmon and Ceberusmon.


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