To begin, Demisewan is a very nice, sweet, innocent Pokemon, at least on the surface. She is trusting to the people and Pokemon who protect her and guide her through most of her own ordeals. For a Ghost type she only demonstrates selected abilities (such as phasing, floating, and invisibility). Since Demisewan is a living ghost she has a very conflicting, vengeful nature that is shrouded by her more dominant good nature. Despite this, she is still loveable just as long as the people she cares about are left unharmed.
Demisewan is considered an antagonist since Mewblade is the protagonist of all the Mewthree characters. But because of her rather bubbly personality and abusive situation she is a character that is made to be cherished for her qualities that shine through.
Story History:
Demisewan was the fourth duo in a project called 10.a Intensity. Her name was Subject: 004.a M1M2Hau 100F Gh, meaning the fourth twin clone of the project, a Mewtwo, Mew and Haunter hybrid with the full gender of a female and the type disposition of only Ghost. Demisewan's creation process was relatively easy and came with very few complications. She was made mostly for spying and collecting information. The one huge problem with Demisewan is that if someone she cares about is hurt, she goes into an extreme blind rage and can easily destroy her enemy. Because of that, on her missions she often works alone. As well she has a gentle personality and can be easily manipulated if Harddense is threatened. Usually the method isn't applied to her.
The relationship between Demisewan and Harddense is seemingly intimate but truth to tell, it never really is. Since they are twins (created at the same time, awake at the same time), they pose a bond that is almost inseparable. Not only that, their closeness is so tight that the twins are easily exploited. The Team Rockets find it very beneficial to harm the other so that way the rebellious one will comply.
In 'Her Beginning', Demisewan was never mentioned and has no involvement in the story but she is implied to possibly exist.
The second extension of that fan fic titled, 'Death, Decisions, and Destiny' vaguely introduces Demisewan but only as another Mewthree that Mewblade will have to deal with at a later time.
The third extension of the fan fic, titled 'Family Matters' formally introduces Demisewan, along with Harddense and Swadeaqua. The fan fic reflects on the value of lives and how they are lived, including the simple importance of family.
The fourth and final extension of the fan fic titled 'Where I Stand' follows Mewblade almost 10 years after her initial awakening. The world has become corrupt with humans turning on Pokemon for reasons unknown, leaving the Legendaries scrambling to restore the balance and deal with a mysterious infection. This is the final novel in the three part "Mewblade" trilogy. While all of the Mewthrees with the exception of Mewblade are deceased, their existences are reminders of the ills of the Mewthree species.
General History:
Demisewan was made in June, 2001. She was created for one purpose and one purpose only, another unfortunate soul who gets stuck opposing Mewblade. She really gives the insight into what it is like to be a living ghost.
Story Statistics:
Name: Demisewan
Alternate Name: Subject: 004.a M1M2Hau 100F Gh
Classification: Genetic Espionage Pokemon
Species: Mewthree
Gender: Female
"Born": June 14th
Height: 5'10"/ 175 cm
Weight: 0.1 Lbs/0.045 kg (phasing phase) or 125 lbs/56.8 kg (normal phase)
Blood Type: B
Type: Ghost
Ability: Levitate
Likes: Swadeaqua, Harddense, annoying music, games
Dislikes: Bad orders, fighting, Harddense being threatened
Strengths: Invisibility, near immunity to physical blows, stealth, protective, extremely powerful
attacks when provoked.
Weaknesses: Manipulation, threats, Harddense being threatened, own bravado
Attack List:
(Note: Demisewan's rage attacks *.)
Dark: Bite, Faint Attack, Knock Off, Pursuit*, Snatch, Torment*
Fighting: Hi Jump Kick, Low Kick, Revenge*
Ghost: Astonish, Confuse Ray*, Destiny Bond*, Dream Eater*, Grudge*, Lick, Night Shade*, 
Shadow Ball*, Shadow Punch, Spite*
Normal: Body Slam, Covet, Curse*, Explosion*, Fake Out, False Swipe, Frustration*, Fury
Attack*, Fury Swipes*, Glare*, Headbutt, Mean Look*, Rage*, Quick Attack, Scratch, Slash*,
Tackle, Take Down, Tickle
Psychic: Agility, Hypnosis*,Trick
Sub-characters to Demisewan:
Personality: Demisewan is labelled as either bipolar or split personality. As she is a Ghost type she managed to take on the poltergeist aggressive streaks that befit a ghost during her creation. This gives her two moods: Playful, curious and bubbly. And, mindless, possessive rage-a-holic. Demisewan is primarily gentle and disciplined. She listens to instructions, follows her orders and does them with relatively little complaint, except when she is scared. Having a Ghost type to be spooked easily is relatively ironic, but nonetheless expected as; even though she is a grown Mewthree, she is young and innocent in her views of the world and others. This does not mean she is entirely naive, or dumb. Demisewan has a deep understanding of her ghost abilities, as well as an analytical mind. Her thought-processes aren't well understood since she usually does not go out of her way to brag about them. She tends to learn things quickly and is very versed in security, espionage and the broad range of spy games. She also has a knack for programming, math and physics but more so as an application rather than a factual understanding. The one thing she does not understand is her own mortality, if it exists at all.
Rage sprees are caused by something dealing a level of distress to her family. Depending on whether it's someone pointing out a flaw, or injuring them determines the degree of the rage. Generally her sprees last a few minutes and Demisewan reverts to a snappy, abrupt thinker. At her worst she loses the ability to speak and lacks the abilities to form any logical thought processes. Demisewan becomes bent on destroying the cause of her stresses and despite the fact she rages for reasons, she can't remember what happened out of them, and is prone to not remember why she started while in a rage. These types of sprees are the worst as Demisewan is relentless in her pursuit of her opposition and is terrified to learn that she has a dark, very wicked side.
Lifestyle: Unlike Swadeaqua, Harddense and Vicebane who do stay within Team Rocket HQ for most of their lives, Demisewan is the least likely to stay. As she is a espionage saboteur, Demisewan is often infiltrating organizations around the globe. Her skills are valuable but her trips abroad bring her back within a day as she cannot be without Harddense for too long. When she is home she spends her time with him, enjoying each other's company.
Relations: Demisewan is a positive Pokemon and has a bright outlook towards life and those around her. She is engaged with the team that works with her on her missions and the Pokemon she may sometimes be paired with. Her patience and respect for others is only tested if Swadeaqua and especially Harddense is threatened, but tends to forgive once it has passed.
Swadeaqua earns her utmost respect but at the same time likely her greatest concern as Swadeaqua is mentally unstable and Demisewan can somewhat relate. She gives Swadeaqua her space and will question her sister's judgement if the things she says lack backing. Generally they have a very average sisterly relationship. Mewblade is reviewed as scary, dangerous and an outsider, where Vicebane, Demisewan has little care for. Harddense on the other hand is her twin and she often clings to him when emotionally drained or tired. Despite the fact that Harddense acts as her protector, and will defend her even if it means his life, Demisewan will only let him do this to the point she can't tolerate the damage that might be dealt to him. Demisewan regrets her rages, and the protectiveness of Harddense is a way to cope with the problem. The two understand each other deeply and support the views of one another. Demisewan without Harddense has no meaning to live and is likely to simply lose her mind over the loss, just as Harddense would rather end his own in reverse.
Powers: Demisewan is very unique in the regard that she is a mortal ghost Pokemon. It's a strange concept to consider but is plausible as Demisewan is a living being with matter in her body that can transition itself into metaphysical states. This gives Demisewan the abilities of invisibility, phasing and weightlessness. Despite the fact she is a Ghost type, Demisewan is not immortal and ages just as four of the five Mewthrees do (though all age at different speeds, with Vicebane being the fastest and Swadeaqua the slowest).
The Ghost type traits make Demisewan capable of running through walls and avoiding physical hazards, walk silently and avoid discovery. She can reduce her falls and jump up several stories because of her weightlessness capabilities. Due to her paws being separate entities from her wrist, Demisewan can send them ahead of her and do things remotely, although this goes as far as her vision does. In case her paws may be captured, Demisewan can simply snap them back to her wrists with little problem. The paws themselves are the most noticeable trait of her being the type that she is.
When raging everything about Demisewan becomes amplified. Her speed is instant, practically capable of teleportation. She also is generally incapable of physical damage as her body stays in a constant metaphysical state at this point. A lot of abilities Demisewan does not normally have appear. Her more fearsome abilities allow her to scare an opponent into incapacitation, along with moves that drain or disable energy and damage a person's psyche. Demisewan's more fearsome abilities revolve around the abilities to rip living organs out of the body without incision, and her Explosion which she can do multiple times without energy because she is no longer physically dependent. Towards any opponent aside the odd Dark or Ghost type, Demisewan is very hard to defeat. In such a state it is questionable if Demisewan actually becomes a real ghost. As well, it is unknown whether killing Demisewan normally and getting rid of her body would result in her vengeful, more ghost-like self to remain a constant reality.
Flaws: The primary flaw of Demisewan is that she really does not have a move set at all. Her only defense is to evade, and her offense is limited to injury that even a human could do better at. Her confidence in fights because of her perceived sense of immortality allows her to perform but at a sub-standard level than the rest of the Mewthrees. The only time she actually exceeds them all is in a full-blown rage, but these are so rare and neither Swadeaqua nor Harddense is willing to nearly risk their lives to bring it out.
The rage itself is not so much a hazard for Demisewan as it is for everyone around. Her mindless behaviors put the safety of her comrades into question and it is impossible to give her orders as she loses the ability to understand words, logic and reason. At the same time, her tipping off so easily can put people who've bothered her at risk. Having no coping skills puts Demisewan at a disadvantage and makes her that much more emotional and vulnerable to not only herself but everyone else.
Having little knowledge of what a living ghost really is can also put Demisewan at risk, since she is far more reckless than she should be and denies the fact that she can actually be harmed. She gives little care to her mortality and puts herself in dangerous situations rather recklessly. Her fears revolve around being startled and caught, but little to whether she can be hurt or killed.
Related Song(s):
-Hoobastank-Crawling In The Dark
-Subterfuge is a gift only given to Demisewan out of all my characters. 'Crawling in the dark' signifies her obvious ability to spy, move undetected and often doing it in the wee hours of the morning. The more deep metaphorical meaning relates to how she is used and very often not informed.